
Short games for your students

Richmond Publishing Argentina have just launched a new section on their website. They offer printable activities and games for your classes and also a very good section of online games to practice grammar by the means of IT. Every teacher should keep track of resources like these.

Printable games for your class

Online Grammar games


"How to" writing guides for students

This site happens to have a lot of "how to write" guides. There are even samples for most writing formats such as essays, term papers, speech, bibliographies, etc. Check it out!

Writing Skills by Factmonster

Free resources: teacher helpers

Let me recommend you a website with free resourses for teachers. This material will help you plan your lessons with fun activities and you can find many free helpers or cool premium resources as well.



Teacher resourse bank (OUP Vocabulary Worksheets)

Do you need new ways of expanding your lower-level learners' vocabulary? Every month we have a new lesson Link with activities and worksheets for teachers to use in class and help learners discover and learn new words. Check it out !

Teacher Resource Bank by Oxford Univeristy Press Online.


Free online grammar games for kids

This website has a section with a list of links with free online grammar activities, learning games & lessons. Make sure your students learn English while having fun. It is also a good opportunity to include IT in your lessons. You will find online activities and games about parts of speech, proofreading & conventions. Nouns, Verbs, commas, periods.

Grammar Games Online


Free printables for your lessons

This is a wonderful website that has a selection of printable worksheets, handouts and teaching aids most of which can be customised to suit a range of learners. Try not to miss it! It has everything you need and more.

Free teaching printables