
The World Cup (South Africa 2010) in the classrooms

Michelle Worgan gives us a dose of World Cup fever with her winning Lesson Share entry that practises the first conditional.

Age: Teenagers / Adults
Level: High elementary / Pre-intermediate
Time: Approx. 60 minutes
Objective: To present and practise the first conditional using the topic of the World Cup
Key skills: Speaking, writing
Materials: One copy of the 2010 World Cup fixture chart per pair of students; one piece of blank paper per student; a football or picture of a football.

Click here to view the photocopiable material


Recommended sites for Literature teachers

This is a list of good resources and teacher helpers for English and Literature. Bare in mind that they follow the UK primary framework. Enjoy!


Teachingenglish British Council





Reading A-Z


Scolastic Teachers

Litteracy matters

Free printables for english teachers

If you happen to know any other good free website with resources for Literature teachers please submit them :)


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Recommended sites for Science Teachers

Are you planning fun experiments for your young learners? Would you like to start working with fun projects in Science but you have little time to devote your planning worksheets? Well, I have been working as a Science teacher for a while now and these are the sites that I find useful everyday. Enjoy!

The Science Explorer

Exploring Nature


BBC Bitesize Science

Boggle's World

Exploring Science - Longman Assessment

Science and Plants for Schools

MacMillan Science


Primary Resources Science

Discovery Education: teaching tools

Science online - games and worksheets

Interactive Science activities

Surfing Scientist

Primary Science

CGP Books - Online resources by age group

Rising Stars Science

Primary Science Activities

Science for the next generation

Science worksheets

If you know any other website that is not listed here and you would like to share it with fellow teachers, please leave a comment here or email me. Thank you :)